My online friend, Shannon, from Fabricsnquilts (http://fabricsnquilts.blogspot.com/) posted a challenge today, and it was to be completed today. Little did she know what a challenge this day would be! I was almost in 4 accidents, all by people who cut me off, running stopsigns or making turns from side streets in front of me, just as I changed lanes. In NY, there is a law that says "right on red after stop." The stop means they need to make sure no one is coming from the left before they go, and many forget that "stop, the others have the right of way" before they go. I was lucky there wasn't anyone in the my left lane, so I wasn't hit. So, even getting to my friend's house to sew together was a challenge. Well, even before that.
I love Moda fabric, and read many of the recipes on the Bake Shop. Usually the directions are easy to convert for use with my Accuquilt GO!, a wonderful product that uses dies to cut fabric. So, when Shannon posted the challenge to make a Just One Star block, and it had to be done today, I grabbed a few pieces of blue and red fabric and threw it into my tote, which already had the planned projects for today's sewing time. Well, I spent time cutting the Flying Geese blocks on the GO! using the 3 1/2 triangles and the 2 1/2 triangles, then realized they didn't work with the 3 1/2 inch squares. So, we went back to Moda's directions, and cut the rectangles and squares. I don't like making Flying Geese blocks that way, because of the little triangles not used, but it was the best way to make this work. We used the GO! to cut the center square, and the larger corner triangles. The challenge to make one block was more of a challenge than I would have thought. But my block is done, and it will be mailed, to be a part of a huge collections of stars for quilts that will be donated to support our troops. Maybe my challenges today weren't as bad as some they face. I guess I will count my blessings, especially that I was able to make a block for the cause. Did I get my other plans done?? No, but that could mean more sewing days with my friend. That's a good thing. Look for the Just One Star block info here. http://www.unitednotions.com/LA_just_one_star.pdf
It was so much fun making these blocks today. Thanks for being such a good friend.
Awesome! Thanks so much for joining in the challenge & for supporting the quilts for vets project!
I think you hit the nail on the head when you compared your bad day to the day of the servicemen & women we are supporting with this project! Bless you for your time & support!
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