Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Three Machine kind of day

Hi!  I just wanted to share some finishes.  I had a Three Machine kind of day!  

Last week I made this snowflake embroidery on my Pfaff Creative 1.5.  The design is from Embroidery Library, and a young man from church wanted something with snowflakes for a cover for his dog's pillow.  I made the pillow and other covers for him.  He likes changing it for the seasons, and I wanted to play with some of the designs I've been collecting. 

I used Superior Threads King Tut for the stitching, since I felt it was the best color for the background fabric.  I've had it a while, so I wanted to use it, and even though it was a variegated thread, the shades of blue were a good match.  It doesn't show the changes well in this design, but does add some depth to the stitching when you look closely.  I think the color is Mirage.  I turned the cone upside down on the machine, so it would feed from the regular spool pin.  I have a cone stand, but need to put it with that machine.  For the most part, it stitched well.  I did have issues with shredding, but that was fixed when I replaced the needle.  That in itself was a learning experience.  I had to remove the embroidery module, which deleted the program.  Luckily I hadn't moved the location, and just had to forward through the design file until I got to "about" where the break was.  Lesson:  Change needle before something with lots of stitches, especially after working on a number of other projects.  
 I thought the design worked well with the fabric's print.  I think I got this at JoAnn's a few years ago.  It has a cute silver metallic finish on the snowflakes.  Today's project was to quilt the top, finish the edges on the envelope back, and finish sewing the pillow cover.  This was done on my Viking Sapphire 850.  I just did a quick stipple over the top to the batting, only.  No backing on the batting.  
 I like to finish seams that are inside a pillow cover with my serger.  So just a few seconds after sewing the layers together, I did another round with the Babylock Imagine serger.  This project was done while the embroidery machine was stitching out a design in the other room.  I love being so productive that I can get 2 projects done at almost the same time. 

Here's the envelope back.  I happy I can deliver this tomorrow.  
 A friend had liked the Flourishing Machine embroidery I used for my Quiltsy Team Secret Santa gift.  
 I used Aurifil 40wt in 2525, Light Blue Violet, and paired it with some Island Batik for the background and borders.  My recipient loved it.  I sent her a few FQs and a stash roll from Island Batik, as well.  This friend requested black thread, so I used Island Batik solid white for the background and Aurifil 40wt black for the stitching.

I decided to list this as a custom available item in my Etsy shop.  You can pick the thread color and the background fabric color.  I put fusible interfacing on the fabric behind the stitching, for more stability.  You can finish it as a wall hanging or mug rug, or add it to a quilt with other sewing theme blocks.  It's so pretty in person, and measures about 6 by 8 1/2".  If you don't sew, but want a gift for someone who does, I can finish it as a wall hanging or small quilt.  Just ask! 

I have a few other finishes I want to do as soon as possible, but I MUST begin working on my Island Batik Ambassador blog hop quilt, featuring Crystal Ball, which is due next week.  I have the pattern picked and think it's going to be lovely.  Hopefully fast, as well.  Too bad I can't cut and sew at the same time, lol  I can't wait to share.  All of the Ambassadors are getting excited! There will be give-aways and lots of eye candy and inspiration.  Watch this space for more info!  

Thanks for visiting.


1 comment:

Pamela said...

Love the snowflake design! Glad you had a productive day :)