Monday, March 10, 2014

My first official Ambassador box!

I have been waiting for DAYS!!!  I got an email from Island Batiks and UPS saying the box would be arriving on Monday, March 10.  YAY!!  Then, I noticed the box would weigh 10 lbs.  Um, how much fabric weighs 10 lbs???? That's a LOT of fabric!  Some of my friends estimated between 20 and 30 yards.  YARDS of #IslandBatiks Ambassador fabrics!!  Some could be revealed today, and others could only be teased until May, when others will see them at Quilt Market.

Of course, this morning, I was supposed to go drop off dance costumes.  But I didn't fall asleep until after 6 a.m. and the headache that usually accompanies insomnia has not made this a JUMP for Joy day, even if I wanted to, because this BOX is filled with AWESOME stuff!!  I'm quietly celebrating, though.

Outside my door this morning was a box.  A nice size box.  I picked it up, brought it into the cutting table, and slit the tape carefully.

A letter explaining the program and fabrics, and some packing paper.

OOHH, some color under the plastic!

I love color cards, especially ones with real fabrics.  Look at those COLORS!! Great shades, and really pretty designs.  I do LOVE playing with "blender" type fabrics.

This YUMMY bundle of 1/2 yard pieces is called Tanzanite, and could be found NOW in your favorite stores that carry Island Batiks.  What? Your store doesn't carry Island Batiks?? Ask them why not!  I'm working on a Hunter's Star quilt in purples, and I'm pretty sure some of these will be added in to that quilt.  I'm also thrilled that the SKU numbers are included, so I can look for more.  So vibrant!!

So, how much was in the box?? 25 yards PLUS of beautiful fabrics.  My mind is spinning with possibilities.  Two of the groups are more Holiday themed, and also have metallic accents.  What does 25 PLUS yards of Island Batiks look like??

I KNOW you can't see all the prints.  This is just a tease for what's to come in the next few months.  Watch for projects from me, as well as other Ambassadors.  More will be shown at Market, too.

Who wants to come over for a play date??  BUT, you WON'T find these beauties mixed in with my regular fabrics.  They are in a special area, and protected until the inspiration hits and I can reveal more.  In the meantime, I'm planning, and working with other Island Batik fabrics I've purchased.

Being an Island Batiks Ambassador is already more fun than I had hoped.  Thanks again for choosing me, and for letting me play with these collections.

Thanks for visiting!

Okay, one more tease!!


Joey said...

Can not wait to see what else you reveal!! Sew excited for you!!!

Ann Symes said...

Oh, what fun! I can't wait to see what you create with these beauties!

squirrelie55 said...

Oh my goodness - what a treat!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Congrats and what beautiful fabrics!! I just received my box also and it is fun to see we have different fabrics!

beaquilter said...

Fun fun, I'm one too :)

Astrid said...

Congrats! All that yummy batiks! Gorgeous colors! Can't wait to see more! :)